qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Suppressing Command-Line Processing
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     If your program does not take command-line arguments, you can save
     a small amount of space by suppressing use of the library routine
     that performs command-line processing. This routine is called
     _setargv. To suppress its use, define a routine that does nothing
     in the same file that contains the main function, and name it
     _setargv. The call to _setargv will be satisfied by your
     definition of _setargv, and the library version will not be
     Similarly, if you never access the environment table through the
     <envp> argument, you can provide your own empty routine to be used
     in place of _setenvp, the environment-processing routine.
     If your program makes calls to the spawn or exec family of
     routines in the C run-time library, you should not suppress the
     environment-processing routine, since this routine is used to pass
     an environment from the parent process to the child process.
     See also: Expanding Wild-Card Arguments
               Parsing Command-Line Arguments