qcenv.hlp (Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
History On Command (5 of 5)
The History On command lets you create or use a record of
the debugging session. A debug history is useful for
  ■ Re-creating the circumstances that led to an error
  ■ Saving your work from one session to another
  ■ Tracking down hardware-related problems
Debug history acts like a tape recorder that controls
  ■ A debug command tape containing all the commands you
    give the debugger. This is the file "program.HIS".
  ■ A user input tape containing all program input typed at
    the keyboard. This is the file "program.INP".
For "program", QuickC uses the base name of the program
list file, if there is one. If not, it uses the base name
of the current source file.
The debug history is always recorded from the start of a
program's execution. It consists of
  ■ All commands that affect the flow of control.
  ■ Locations in the program where execution paused and
    control returned to you. These "history points" include
    breakpoints, watchpoints, and single-steps.
When History On is enabled
  ■ A dot appears beside it on the menu.
  ■ A 'D' appears in the status line if you are saving or
    replaying debugger commands.
  ■ An 'I' appears in the status line if you are saving or
    replaying user input.
To create a new debug history:
  1. Set the Debug History options on the Options:Run/Debug
     command to save debug commands and/or user input.
  2. Select History On. If program.HIS or program.INP
     exists, QuickC asks whether to use it. Select <No> to
     clear the file and create a new history.
At any time while recording a session, you can use SHIFT+F8
to display the previous history point and SHIFT+F10 to
display the next history point.
To use an existing history:
  1. Select History On. A dot appears beside it.
  2. Select <Yes> when the dialog box appears to load the
     existing "program.HIS" and "program.INP" files.
  3. Use the Replay command to replay the debug session.
  4. Use SHIFT+F8 to browse backward through the history or
     SHIFT+F10 to browse forward.
  5. Use Truncate User Input at any point to truncate the
     user input at the current position in "program.INP".
NOTE: Do not use a custom editor on your source program if
      you plan to use debug history.
The history file denotes debug events by source line
number. The QuickC editor can update the line numbers if
you change the source code, but custom editors cannot. As
a result, a custom editor may cause synchronization errors
when you replay the record.