Use the Replay command to re-create all or part of a debug session. Replay is available only when History is on. In addition, you must have either loaded a previously recorded history file or recorded debug commands from the current session. To replay an entire debug session: 1. Select History On. 2. Select Replay. Replay restarts the program and executes all the commands in program.HIS, using the user input from program.INP, if the file exists. To replay part of a debug session: 1. Browse forward to a history point with SHIFT+F10, or browse backward with SHIFT+F8. 2. Select Replay. QuickC reruns the session from the start of the program to the point where you stopped. You can replay a debug session even after changing the program if the following conditions hold: ■ History was on when the program was changed. ■ Any edits were made with the QuickC editor. ■ The program's flow of control has not changed.