qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
$INCLUDE Metacommand
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Defines inclusion of information declared in an include file such as
 CONSTANT.BI, FINANCE.BI, or VBDOS.BI. $INCLUDE instructs the compiler to:
    • Temporarily switch processing from one file to another
    • Read program statements from the Visual Basic file named in filespec
    • Return to processing the original file when the end of the included
      file is reached
    {REM | '} $INCLUDE: 'filespec'
    ■ REM | '     REM or remark character ('); must precede all metacommands
    ■ :           Colon; required after metacommand, before filespec
    ■ 'filespec'  Name of a Visual Basic program file, including a path; must
                  be enclosed in single quotation marks
 See Also
    Metacommand Summary              REM Statement