qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DEFtype Statements
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Sets the default data type for a range of variable names, DEF FN statements,
 and FUNCTION procedures.
    DEFtype letterrange [,letterrange]...
    ■ type         Valid type values are:
                   Statement   Description
                   ═════════   ═════════════════════════════════════════════
                   DEFINT      Integer (2-byte)
                   DEFLNG      Long (4-byte) integer
                   DEFSGN      Single-precision floating-point (4-byte)
                   DEFDBL      Double-precision floating-point (8-byte)
                   DEFCUR      Currency (8-byte signed integer); up to 4
                               digits to the right of the decimal point and
                               15 digits to the left
                   DEFSTR      String
    ■ letterrange  Letter or range of letters (for example, A-M). Visual
                   Basic sets the default data type for variables, DEF FN
                   statements, and FUNCTION procedures whose names begin
                   with the specified letter(s).
 See Also
    Basic Data Types Summary