qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Interval Property
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 Sets or returns the number of milliseconds in a timer's countdown interval.
 This interval represents the time delay before the associated Timer event
 is called.
    [form.]timer.Interval[ = milliseconds&]
    ■ milliseconds&     Valid settings are:
                        Value          Description
                        ═══════════    ═════════════════════════════════════
                        0              (Default) Timer disabled.
                        1 to 65,535    Sets an interval (in milliseconds)
                                       that takes effect once the timer's
                                       Enabled property is set to True (-1).
                                       For example, a value of 10,000
                                       milliseconds equals 10 seconds; the
                                       maximum, 65,535 milliseconds, is
                                       equivalent to just over one minute.
 Applies To
    Timer Control