qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
REDIM Statement
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Changes the space allocated to an array that has been declared dynamic.
   REDIM [PRESERVE] [SHARED] variable(subscripts) [AS type]
                           [,variable(subscripts) [AS type]]...
    ■ PRESERVE      Causes array data to be preserved when the upper
                    boundary is changed
    ■ SHARED        Causes specified array to be shared with all SUB or
                    FUNCTION procedures in the module
    ■ variable      Any valid array name
    ■ subscripts    Dimensions of the array:
                    [lower TO] upper [,[lower TO] upper]...
                    • lower    (Default - 0) Lower boundary of the array's
                    • upper    Upper boundary of the array's subscripts
    ■ AS type       (Default - SINGLE) Declares data type of an array or
                    variable; use a separate AS type clause for each variable
 See Also
    Array Storage Summary      DIM Statement      Scope Rules