qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Changes a drive's default directory (CHDIR); creates a subdirectory (MKDIR);
 removes a subdirectory (RMDIR); displays the contents of the current or
 specified directory (FILES). FILES is not available when forms are showing.
    CHDIR pathname$
    MKDIR pathname$
    RMDIR pathname$
    FILES [filespec$]
    ■ pathname$    Path of the new default directory or subdirectory to
                   create, or subdirectory to remove; may contain up to 64
                   characters in the following format:
    ■ filespec$    Path or file name; may include drive and MS-DOS wildcard
                   characters (? or *); if omitted, FILES displays contents
                   of the current directory
 See Also
   MS-DOS, Disks, and Directories