qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Object Manipulations
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 Object Manipulations
 ■ The following keywords are used in Visual Basic to manipulate forms,
   controls, and other special objects:
   ADDITEM      Adds list item to list box or combo box control
   DOEVENTS     Enables processing of form events
   CLS          Clears text output from a form or picture box
   DRAG         Begins, ends, or cancels the dragging of a control
   ENDDOC       Terminates document sent to the printer
   FORM         Visual container for controls
   GETTEXT      Returns text string found in CLIPBOARD
   $FORM        Enables access of an external form's properties
   HIDE         Removes form(s) from view
   INPUTBOX$    Displays a prompt in dialog box and gets user input
   LOAD         Loads a form into memory or adds control to control array
   MOVE         Moves and sizes a form or control
   MSGBOX       Displays message in dialog box and gets user input
   NEWPAGE      Terminates printing of current page and advances to next
   PRINT        Prints expression to form, picture box, or printer
   PRINTFORM    Sends ASCII dump of form to printer or file
   REFRESH      Redraws form or control, updates contents
   REMOVEITEM   Removes list item from list box or combo box control
   SETFOCUS     Moves the focus to specified form or control
   SHOW         Loads a form, displays it, and gives it the focus
   TEXTHEIGHT   Returns the height of a text string
   TEXTWIDTH    Returns the length of a text string
   UNLOAD       Removes a form or control array element from memory
 See: Keywords by Task