qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Adding Watches
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 Adding Watches
 ■ Visual Basic provides three different kinds of watches:
   • Watch variables are used to continuously watch the value of a variable
     or an expression as your project executes
   • Watchpoints are used to suspend project execution when an expression
     becomes true
   • Instant watches display current value of a variable or an expression
     when project execution is suspended
 ■ To add a watch variable:
    1. Choose Add Watch from the Debug menu in the programming environment
    2. Type the variable name or expression you want to watch
       The Debug window can display the value of an expression made of
       variables (for example, X + Y).
    3. Press Enter or choose OK to add the watch variable
       After you choose OK, the variable name is displayed in the Debug
       window, preceded by the procedure name or module file name where
       the variable is located. The message <Not watchable> appears in
       the Debug window if Visual Basic cannot access the variable value.
 ■ To enter a watchpoint:
    1. Choose Watchpoint from the Debug menu
    2. Type in a variable name or expression
       A relational statement is constructed using these operators:
             =  Equal                <   Less than
             <> Not equal            >=  Greater than or equal to
             >  Greater than         <=  Less than or equal to
       If you enter only a variable name or expression, Visual Basic assumes
       the relation "<> 0." For example, entering X + Y yields this
             X + Y <> 0
    3. Press Enter or choose OK
 ■ To display the current value of a variable or expression:
    1. Place the cursor on the variable name or selected expression
    2. Invoke the Instant Watch dialog
       This is done by either choosing Instant Watch from the Debug menu,
       pressing Shift+F9, or pressing Shift and clicking the right mouse
       button simultaneously.
       • The expression is True if Instant Watch displays a nonzero value,
         False if it displays 0. The message <Not watchable> appears in the
         Value box if Visual Basic cannot access the value of the variable.
 See: Removing Watches