qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
ISAM Data Types Summary
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                 ISAM available in Professional Edition only
 ISAM Data Types Summary
  Data Type     Size of Data      Range                          Indexable
  ═══════════   ═══════════════   ════════════════════════════   ═══════════
  INTEGER       2 bytes, signed   -32,768 to 32,767              Yes
  LONG          4 bytes, signed   -2,147,483,648 to              Yes
  DOUBLE        8 bytes           -1.79769313486231D308 to       Yes
                                  -4.94065D-324 for negatives;
                                   4.94065D-324 to
                                   for positives
                                   When compiling with /Fpa:
                                   -1.79769313486231D308 to
                                   -2.2250738585072D-308 for
                                   negative values;
                                   2.2250738585072D-308 to
                                   1.79769313486231D308 for
                                   positive values.
  CURRENCY      8 bytes           -922337203685477.5808 to       Yes
  STRING        Up to 32K                                        Only if
                                                                 shorter than
                                                                 256 bytes
  Static array  64K                                              No
  User-defined  64K                                              No
 ■ The data types that can be specified in a TYPE statement are in bold
   bold upper-case letters. See: TYPE Statement
 ■ Basic's SINGLE data type is not supported in ISAM; use DOUBLE or
   CURRENCY instead.
 See: Basic Data Types Summary