qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Type Conversion Rules
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 Type Conversion Rules
 ■ When necessary, Visual Basic converts a numeric constant from one type to
   another, according to these rules:
   If...                                     Then...
   ════════════════════════════════════      ═══════════════════════════════
   A numeric constant is assigned to a       The numeric constant is stored
   numeric variable of a different type      as the type declared in the
                                             variable name
   A string variable is assigned to a        The "Type mismatch" error
   numeric value, or vice versa              message is generated
   A floating-point value is assigned        The fractional portion is
   to an integer                             rounded
 ■ Currency values are treated as floating-point numbers.
 ■ During expression evaluation, the operands in an arithmetic or relational
   operation are converted to the same degree of precision (that of the most
   precise operand) as each operation is performed. Also, the result of an
   arithmetic operation is returned to the final degree of precision.
 ■ Logical operators such as AND and NOT convert their operands to long
   integers if necessary. Operands must be in the range from -2,147,483,648
   through 2,147,483,647, or Visual Basic generates the error message,
   "Overflow." See: Logical Operators
 See: Basic Data Types Summary