qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Editing a Menu
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 Editing a Menu
 ■ You can add or delete menu items or separator bars after you've created a
 ■ To insert a new menu item:
   1. Select the form whose menu you want to edit
   2. From the Window menu, choose Menu Design Window
   3. Select the menu item below where you want to insert the new item
   4. Choose Insert to add a line before the currently selected line
   5. To add menu items, follow standard steps for creating a menu
      See: Creating a Menu
   6. Choose Done to accept changes and apply them to the selected form
 ■ To delete a menu item:
   1. Select the form whose menu you want to edit
   2. From the Window menu, choose Menu Design Window
   3. Select the menu item you want to delete
   4. Choose Delete
   5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to delete other menu items
   6. Choose Done to accept changes and apply them to the selected form