qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Error Types Definition
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 Error Types
 ■ There are three types of errors you might encounter while programming in
   Visual Basic:
   Error Type      Description
   ═════════════   ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
   Compile time    Incorrectly matched control structures, such as a NEXT
                   statement used without a corresponding FOR statement, or
                   programming mistakes that violate the syntax rules of
                   Visual Basic, such as a misspelled word, a missing
                   separator character, or a type mismatch.
   Run time        Errors that occur when a statement attempts an illegal
                   operation, such as writing to a file that does not exist.
   Program logic   Errors that occur when a program does not perform as it
                   was intended to, and produces incorrect results.