qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
MID$ Function, MID$ Statement
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Returns part of a substring from a string (MID$ function); replaces part of
 a string variable with another string (MID$ statement).
    MID$(stringexpression$, start% [,length%])
    MID$(stringvariable$, start% [,length%]) = stringexpression$
    ■ stringexpression$    Any string expression
    ■ start%               Position of the first character
    ■ length%              Number of characters in the substring; if omitted,
                           all characters to the right of the start position
                           are returned or replaced
    ■ stringvariable$      String variable being modified (MID$ statement)
 See Also
    String Operations