qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PEN Function
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Returns the status of the light pen.
    ■ n%           Specifies the lightpen status information to return:
                   Value  Returns
                   ═════  ══════════════════════════════════════════════════
                   0      Whether pen was used since last call (-1 if yes,
                          0 if no)
                   1      X screen coordinate of the last pen press
                   2      Y screen coordinate of the last pen press
                   3      Current pen switch status (-1 if down, 0 if up)
                   4      X screen coordinate where the pen last left screen
                   5      Y screen coordinate where the pen last left screen
                   6      Row number of the last pen press
                   7      Column of the last pen press
                   8      Row where the pen last left the screen
                   9      Column where the pen last left the screen
 See Also
    ON PEN Statement                 PEN Statement
    Screen Mode Summary              SCREEN Statement