qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Procedure Definitions
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 ■ A procedure is a sequence of Visual Basic statements executed as a unit.
   It is sometimes referred to as a subroutine or function in other
   programming languages.
 ■ "Procedure" most often refers to event, SUB, or FUNCTION procedures:
   Term                 Description
   ══════════════════   ════════════════════════════════════════════════════
   Event procedure      A procedure that Visual Basic invokes in response
                        to a specific event, which can be either caused by
                        the user or triggered by the system.
                        See: Object Events Summary
   FUNCTION procedure   A procedure that returns a value and can be used
                        in an expression. See: FUNCTION Statement
   SUB procedure        A procedure that is not executed unless another
                        procedure calls it; also referred to as a "general"
                        procedure. See: SUB Statement
 See: Scope Rules