qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Program Line
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 Program Line
 ■ Visual Basic program lines have the following syntax:
        [line identifier] [statement] [:statement]...[remarks]
   See: Line Identifiers  REM Statement  Statements
 ■ More than one statement can be placed on a line, but a colon (:) must
   separate statements. For example:
         FOR I = 1 TO 5: PRINT "g'day, mate": NEXT I
 ■ Programs created in Visual Basic are limited to 256 characters per line.
 ■ Visual Basic recognizes an underscore (_) as a line-continuation character
   only if the underscore is preceded by a white-space character. Underscores
   not preceded by a white-space character are assumed to be part of a
   variable, constant, or event procedure name. For example:
   Line-Continuation Character
         IF (TestChar$ = " " OR TestChar$ = ".") AND LineNumber < 23 _
         AND NOT EOF(FileNumber) THEN...
   Part of Variable Name
 ■ If you load a file into the Visual Basic programming environment that
   contains underscores, they are automatically assumed to be part of a
   variable or event name unless preceded by a space ( _). When a program
   contains this sequence of characters, Visual Basic removes all
   underscores, and the previously "continued" lines are joined to form a
   single line. For example:
   This code created in your editor...
   │  IF (TestChar$ = "" _  │      ...is converted to a single line when
   │  OR Test Char$...      │      loaded into the Visual Basic
   └────────────────────────┘      programming environment
               │                   ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
               └───────────────── │  IF (TestChar$ = "" OR Test Char$...  │
 ■ Underscores cannot be used to continue DATA or REM statements.
   See: DATA Statement  REM Statement