qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Setting Form and Control Properties
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 Setting Form and Control Properties
 ■ Properties are the named attributes of a form or control. They define an
   object's characteristics (size, color, and screen location) or behavior
   (whether it is enabled or not). You can set properties with the Properties
   bar at design time, or with code at run time.
 ■ To set form or control properties with the Properties bar at design time:
   1. Select the target form or control
      Click a blank part of the form to select the form; or click a control
      to select it. If you don't have a mouse, choose Form from Window
      menu to select it. Once a form is selected, you can tab to the desired
   2. From the Property list box, select the property you want
      Visual Basic displays the current property setting in the Value box.
      Use the mouse to select the Properties bar or press F2 to move the
      focus to the Properties bar, then tab to the Property box and use
      the arrow keys to select the desired property.
      See: Properties Summary
   3. Enter the property setting you want in the Value box
      Property Type                        Action
      ══════════════════════════════════   ═════════════════════════════════
      Requires entering text or a number   Type the information
      Has enumerated or Boolean values     Click the down arrow to the right
                                           of the Value box and select the
                                           option you want from the drop down
                                           Note: You can also use arrow keys
                                           to move through the Value box
   4. Accept the setting
      Choose Enter to accept the setting.
   5. Repeat steps 2 to 4
      At design time, follow the steps above for each property you want to
      set for the selected form or control.
 ■ To set form or control properties at run time, place a reference to the
   property (object.property) on the left side of an assignment statement:
         Text1.Text = "Your Name"
 See: Properties Bar Definitions