qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Using the Immediate Window
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 Using the Immediate Window
 ■ Use the Immediate window to:
   • Test problematic, debugged, or newly written code.
   • Query or change the value of a variable while running an application.
     While execution is halted, assign the variable a new value as you would
     in code.
   • Query or change a property value while running an application.
   • Simulate a run-time error. To see which error message dialog box is
     associated with a given error code, type ERROR error number.
   • Call procedures as you would in code.
 ■ To execute code in the Immediate window while you're in break mode:
   1. Type a line of code in the Immediate window
   2. Press Enter to execute the statement
      Press F4 or choose Output from the Window menu to view resulting
      display (if any).
 ■ Immediate window statements are executed in a context - that is, as if
   they are entered in a specific form or module.
 ■ If you need help on syntax for functions, statements, properties, events,
   or methods while working in the Immediate window, select the keyword or
   the property, event, or method name, and press F1.
 ■ While in the Immediate window, you can carry out most of the tasks you
   would do in the programming environment, but statements in the Immediate
   window are not saved with the project. If you want to save such code, copy
   or cut and paste it into a procedure in a code window.
 See: Debug Window