Help for Microsoft QuickHelp (qh.hlp) (Topic list)
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.topic topic name
The .topic command specifies what text will be displayed at the bottom of
the QuickHelp window and in the history list. You use this command to ensure
that the name displayed at the bottom of the window stays the same even when
several different .context commands point to the same topic. For example, in
the msos2.hlp database, both Win and Win calls point to the topic containing
a list of Win functions. A .topic command is used in this case so that even
if the user searches for Win, the topic name at the bottom of the QuickHelp
window will be Win calls.
In the absence of a .topic command, QuickHelp displays the name that was
used to search for the current topic.
The .topic command is especially important to use in topics that only have a
local cross-reference, since otherwise there will be no topic title at the
bottom of the QuickHelp window.
In the following example, QuickHelp will display the topic name "Win calls"
at the bottom of the screen, even if the user searched for the topic using
the name "Win".
    .context Win
    .context Win calls
    .topic Win calls
.category, .context, .freeze, .list, .paste, .popup, .ref, .topic