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PROGRAM figure;
{ FIGURE.PAS illustrates graphics drawing functions including:
      _Arc           _LineTo    _Rectangle
      _GetArcInfo    _MoveTo    _SetPixel
      _Ellipse       _Pie       _SetWriteMode
  See VIEWS.PAS and GEDIT.PAS for window versions of graphics drawing
    MSGraph, Crt;
    errorcode       : Integer;
    x,y             : Integer;
    vidmode         : Integer;
    startpt, endpt,
    fillpt          : _XYCoord;
    f               : Boolean;
    c               : Char;
    { Set graphics mode with greatest number of colors. }
    IF (_SetVideoMode( _MaxColorMode) = 0) THEN
        Halt( 1 );
    _SetColor( 1 );
    { Draw pixels. }
    x := 10;
    y := 50;
    WHILE (y < 90) DO
        _SetPixel( x, y );
        x := x + 2;
        y := y + 3;
    { Draw lines. }
    x := 60;
    y := 50;
    WHILE (y < 90) DO
        _MoveTo( x, y );
        _LineTo( x + 20, y );
        y := y + 3;
    { Draw rectangles. }
    x := 110;
    y :=  70;
    _Rectangle( _GBorder,       x - 20, y - 20, x, y );
    _Rectangle( _GFillInterior, x + 20, y + 20, x, y );
    { Draw ellipses. }
    x := 160;
    _Ellipse( _GBorder, x - 20, y - 20, x, y );
    _Ellipse( _GFillInterior, x + 20, y + 20, x, y );
    { Draw arcs. }
    x := 210;
    _Arc( x - 20, y - 20, x, y, x, y - 10, x - 10, y );
    _Arc( x + 20, y + 20, x, y, x + 10, y + 20, x + 20, y + 10 );
    { Draw pies. }
    x := 260;
    _Pie( _GBorder, x - 20, y - 20, x, y, x, y - 10, x - 10, y );
    _Pie( _GBorder, x, y, x + 20, y + 20,
          x + 10, y + 20, x + 20, y + 10 );
    f := _GetArcInfo( startpt, endpt, fillpt );
    _SetColor( 7 );
    _FloodFill( fillpt.XCoord, fillpt.YCoord, 1 );
    { Demonstrate _SetWriteMode. }
    _Rectangle( _GFillInterior, 100, 100, 150, 150 );
    _SetColor( 1 );
    _SetWriteMode( _GXOR );
    _Rectangle( _GBorder, 110, 110, 160, 160 );
    _SetWriteMode( _GOR );
    _Rectangle( _GBorder, 120, 120, 170, 170 );
    { Save screen until a key is pressed. }
    c := ReadKey;
    { Restore video mode. }
    errorcode := _SetVideoMode( _DefaultMode );