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PROGRAM filldemo;
{ FILL.PAS illustrates color, filling, and linestyle functions including:
      _FloodFill       _SetColor       _SetLineStyle
      _GetLineStyle    _SetFillMask
  The _GetFillMask function is not shown, but its use is similar to
    MSGraph, Crt;
    vc          : _VideoConfig;
    errorcode   : Integer;
    xinc, yinc,
    xwid, ywid,
    x, y, i     : Integer;
    fill        : _FillMask;
    color       : Integer;
    linestyle   : Word;
    vidmode     : Integer;
    c           : Char;
    { Select video mode with highest resolution. }
    IF (_SetVideoMode( _MaxResMode ) = 0 ) THEN
        Halt( 1 );
    { Get information about current monitor and video card }
    _GetVideoConfig( vc );
    xinc := Round( vc.NumXPixels / 8 );
    yinc := Round( vc.NumYPixels / 8 );
    xwid := Round( xinc / 2 ) - 4;
    ywid := Round( yinc / 2 ) - 4;
    { Draw circles and lines with different patterns.}
    x := xinc;
    WHILE (x <= (vc.NumXPixels - xinc)) DO
        y := yinc;
        WHILE (y <= (vc.NumYPixels - yinc)) DO
            { Vary random seed, randomize fill and color. }
            FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO
                fill[i] := Random( 256 );
            _SetFillMask( fill );
            color := (Random( 256 ) MOD vc.NumColors) + 1;
            _SetColor( color );
            { Draw ellipse and fill with random color. }
            _Ellipse( _GBorder, x - xwid, y - ywid, x + xwid, y + ywid );
            _SetColor( ( Random( 256 ) MOD vc.NumColors ) + 1 );
            _FloodFill( x, y, color );
            { Draw vertical and horizontal lines. Vertical line style
              is the opposite of (NOT) horizontal style. Since lines are
              overdrawn with several linestyles, this has the effect of
              combining colors and styles.
            _SetLineStyle( Random( 5 ) );
            _MoveTo( 0, y + ywid + 4 );
            _LineTo( vc.NumXPixels - 1, y + ywid + 4 );
            linestyle := _GetLineStyle;
            _SetLineStyle( NOT linestyle );
            _MoveTo( x + xwid + 4, 0 );
            _LineTo( x + xwid + 4, vc.NumYPixels - 1 );
            y := y + yinc;
            END; { y-direction }
        x := x + xinc;
    { Retain the picture on the screen until any key is pressed. }
    c := ReadKey;
    { Restore orginal video mode. }
    errorcode := _SetVideoMode( _DefaultMode );