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                 The Resource Compiler ACCELTABLE Statement
ACCELTABLE acceltable-id [mem-option]
key-value, command[, accelerator-options]
The ACCELTABLE statement creates a table of accelerators for an application.
An accelerator is a keystroke that gives the user a quick way to choose a
command from a menu or carry out some other task. An accelerator table can
be loaded when needed from the executable file by using the
WinLoadAccelTable function.
You can provide any number of ACCELTABLE statements in a resource-definition
file. Each statement must specify a unique table identifier. You can provide
any number of accelerator definitions in an accelerator table; however, no
two definitions in a table can specify the same key.
Each accelerator definition must specify a key value and command. The
WinSetAccelTable function used in the application translates the accelerator
keystroke into a WM_COMMAND, WM_HELP, or WM_SYSCOMMAND message that has the
corresponding command value. The message type depends on the
accelerator-option field.
Field                Description
acceltable-id        Specifies the accelerator-table identifier. This value
                     must be an integer in the range 0 through 65,535, or a
                     simple expression that evaluates to a value in that
                     range. Each accelerator table in a resource-definition
                     file must have a unique identifier.
mem-option           Specifies how the system manages the resource when it
                     is in memory. This value must be one of the following:
                     Value        Meaning
                     FIXED        System keeps the resource at a fixed
                                  memory location.
                     MOVEABLE     System moves the resource as necessary to
                                  compact memory. This is the default
                     DISCARDABLE  System discards the resource if it is no
                                  longer needed.
key-value            Specifies the character, scan, or virtual-key code of
                     the accelerator key. The meaning depends on the
                     accelerator-options field. The key-value field must be
                     a single character enclosed in double-quotation marks
                     or an integer in the range 0 through 255. If you
                     specify an integer, you must specify the CHAR,
                     SCANCODE, or VIRTUALKEY accelerator value; otherwise,
                     the default value is CHAR. Integers must be in decimal
                     or hexadecimal notation.
command              Specifies the command value for the corresponding
                     WM_COMMAND, WM_HELP, or WM_SYSCOMMAND message. This
                     value must be an integer in the range 0 through 65,535,
                     or a simple expression that evaluates to an integer in
                     that range.
accelerator-options  Specifies the accelerator type. This value can be a
                     combination of the following:
                     Value       Meaning
                     VIRTUALKEY  Specifies that the key-value field is a
                                 virtual-key code.
                     SCANCODE    Specifies that the key-value field is a
                                 keyboard scan code.
                     CHAR        Specifies that the key-value field is a
                                 character code.
                     SHIFT       Specifies that the user must press the
                                 SHIFT key and the key corresponding to the
                                 key-value field to generate the
                     CONTROL     Specifies that the user must press the CTRL
                                 key and the key corresponding to the
                                 key-value field to generate the
                     ALT         Specifies that the user must press the ALT
                                 key and the key corresponding to the
                                 key-value field to generate the
                     LONEKEY     Specifies that the user needs to press only
                                 the key corresponding to the key-value
                                 field to generate the accelerator.
                     SYSCOMMAND  Specifies that the accelerator translates
                                 to a WM_SYSCOMMAND message. If you do not
                                 include this option, the accelerator
                                 translates to a WM_COMMAND message.
                     HELP        Specifies that the accelerator translates
                                 to a WM_HELP message. If you do not include
                                 this value, the accelerator translates to a
                                 WM_COMMAND message.
                     VIRTUALKEY, SCANCODE, and CHAR are mutually exclusive.
                     valueSYSCOMMAND and HELP are also mutually exclusive.
If two accelerators use the same key with different SHIFT, CONTROL, or ALT
values, you should specify the more restrictive accelerator first in the
table. For example, you should place SHIFT+ENTER before ENTER.
If you include the os2.h header file, you can use the following constants to
specify the accelerator options:
To combine these constants, you must use the bitwise OR (|) operator.
This example creates an accelerator table whose accelerator-table identifier
is 1. The table contains two accelerators: CTRL+S and CTRL+G. These
accelerators generate WM_COMMAND messages with values of 101 and 102,
respectively, when the user presses the corresponding keys.
    "S", 101, CONTROL
    "G", 102, CONTROL
See Also
Accelerator-item styles, WinLoadAccelTable