◄Function Groups► ◄Overview► ◄Changes► ◄Up► ◄Next► ◄Previous► ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── VioAssociate Associates an AVIO pres. space with a device context VioCreateLogFont Creates a logical font VioCreatePS Creates an AVIO presentation space VioDeleteSetId Deletes a logical font VioDeRegister Removes a registered Vio subsystem VioDestroyPS Destroys an AVIO presentation space VioEndPopUp Ends a VIO pop-up screen VioGetAnsi Retrieves the ANSI flag VioGetBuf Retrieves the address of the logical video buffer VioGetConfig Retrieves the video-display configuration VioGetCp Retrieves a video code-page identifier VioGetCurPos Retrieves the position of the cursor VioGetCurType Retrieves the cursor type VioGetDeviceCellSize Retrieves the current device cell size VioGetFont Retrieves a video font VioGetMode Retrieves the screen mode VioGetOrg Retrieves the origin of a presentation space VioGetPhysBuf Retrieves the address of the physical video buffer VioGetState Retrieves the video state VioModeUndo Cancels a request for notification of mode change VioModeWait Waits for a change of the video mode VioPopUp Opens a VIO pop-up screen VioPrtSc Prints the screen (system use only) VioPrtScToggle Toggles screen printing (system use only) VioQueryFonts Retrieves information about fonts VioQuerySetIds Retrieves all loaded fonts VioReadCellStr Reads a character-attribute (cell) string VioReadCharStr Reads a character string VioRegister Registers an alternate Vio subsystem VioSavRedrawUndo Cancels notification of screen switches VioSavRedrawWait Waits until a screen switch VioScrLock Locks the screen VioScrollDn Scrolls the screen downward VioScrollLf Scrolls the screen left VioScrollRt Scrolls the screen right VioScrollUp Scrolls the screen upward VioScrUnLock Unlocks the screen VioSetAnsi Enables or disables ANSI escape sequences VioSetCp Sets a video code page VioSetCurPos Sets the position of the cursor VioSetCurType Sets the cursor type VioSetDeviceCellSize Sets the device cell size VioSetFont Sets a video font VioSetMode Sets the display mode VioSetOrg Sets the origin for a presentation space VioSetState Sets the video state VioShowBuf Displays the logical video buffer VioShowPS Updates the display VioWrtCellStr Writes a character-attribute (cell) string VioWrtCharStr Writes a character string VioWrtCharStrAtt Writes a character string with an attribute VioWrtNAttr Writes an attribute n times VioWrtNCell Writes a character-attribute (cell) n times VioWrtNChar Writes a character n times VioWrtTTY Writes a char string (current cursor position)