subcalls.hlp (Topic list)
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Mou functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overviews  Changes             Up Next Previous
MouClose          Closes a mouse device
MouDeRegister     Restores the default Mou subsystem
MouDrawPtr        Enables the mouse pointer to be drawn
MouFlushQue       Clears the mouse event queue
MouGetDevStatus   Retrieves the status of the mouse
MouGetEventMask   Retrieves the event mask of the mouse
MouGetNumButtons  Retrieves the number of mouse buttons
MouGetNumMickeys  Retrieves the number of mickeys per centimeter
MouGetNumQueEl    Retrieves the number of events in the queue
MouGetPtrPos      Retrieves the current position of the mouse
MouGetPtrShape    Retrieves the pointer shape for the mouse
MouGetScaleFact   Retrieves the scaling factors for the mouse
MouInitReal       Initializes the real-mode mouse device driver
MouOpen           Opens a mouse device
MouReadEventQue   Reads a mouse event from the queue
MouRegister       Registers a Mou subsystem
MouRemovePtr      Removes the mouse pointer from part of the screen
MouSetDevStatus   Sets the status of the mouse
MouSetEventMask   Sets the event mask for the mouse
MouSetPtrPos      Sets the current position of the mouse
MouSetPtrShape    Sets the pointer shape for the mouse
MouSetScaleFact   Sets the scaling factors for the mouse
MouSynch          Synchronizes access to the mouse