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Article Q33034, Example 1
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 How to Trap CTRL+BREAK on Standard & Enhanced Keyboard - Example 1
 Code Example 1
 Use the following steps to execute the examples listed below in
 1. From the File menu, choose New Project.
 2. Copy the code example to the Code window.
 3. Press F5 to run the program.
 Use the following code to trap a CTRL+BREAK on either keyboard (standard
 or extended):
 KEY 15, CHR$(&H84) + CHR$(&H46) 'Traps CTRL+BREAK on enhanced keyboard.
 KEY 16, CHR$(&H4) + CHR$(&H46)  'Traps CTRL+BREAK on standard keyboard.
 KEY(15) ON
 KEY(16) ON
 ON KEY(16) GOSUB trap
 ON KEY(15) GOSUB trap
 FOR i = 1 TO 500
    PRINT i
    PRINT "trapped"