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Article Q37031, Example 1
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 Printer Error Can Hang; CALL INTERRUPT to Check Printer, Example 1
 The following code example shows how to change the printer time-out
 value for printer 1 in the ROM BIOS table. If your program changes the
 printer time-out value, then you should also restore the original
 time-out value before stopping the program.
 ' To try this example in VBDOS.EXE:
 ' 1. From the File menu, choose New Project.
 ' 2. Copy the code example to the Code window.
 ' 3. Press F5 to run the program.
 ' Change the time-out value and retain the old time-out value.
 DEF SEG = &H40              ' Starting segment of the ROM BIOS table.
      TimeOut% = PEEK (&H78) ' Table Entry for Printer 1 time-out value.
      POKE &H78, 1           ' Change the time-out value.
 DEF SEG                     ' Restore BASIC's segment.
 ' Restore the original time-out value.
 DEF SEG = &H40
      POKE &H78, TimeOut%