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Article Q58213
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 How to Empty (Flush) File And Keyboard Buffers in Basic - Q58213
 The three sample programs included below demonstrate how to flush
 a keyboard buffer and file buffer. The first two programs listed
 below show two different methods of emptying the keyboard input
 buffer. The first program uses a MS-DOS interrupt to clear the
 buffer, while the second program uses the INKEY$ function. The third
 code example listed below shows two different methods of flushing a
 file buffer to disk.
 The following program uses MS-DOS Interrupt 21h (33 decimal) with
 function 0Ch (12 decimal), which flushes the input (type-ahead)
 keyboard buffer. To run this program inside the Visual Basic
 version 1.0 for MS-DOS (VBDOS.EXE) environment, you must load the
 Quick library VBDOS.QLB with the /L option.
    See Program 1
 The following program uses the INKEY$ function to read characters from
 the keyboard buffer until no more are available:
    See Program 2
 Flushing a file buffer to disk from within a Visual Basic version 1.0
 for MS-DOS program can be done with one of the following two methods
 using MS-DOS Interrupt CALLs:
    See Program 3