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Article Q71236
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 VBDOS ISAM Creates Two Temporary Files During Operation - Q71236
 During operations, ISAM creates two temporary files that are used for
 maintenance and transactions. The first file gets created when an ISAM
 database is opened or created, and the second temporary file is
 created during block processing.
 More Information:
 When an ISAM database is opened or created, a 6,144-byte file with a
 random name is created in the directory pointed to by the "TMP"
 environment variable, or if TMP does not exist, in the current
 directory. If ISAM cannot create this file when opening a database, a
 run-time error 70: "Permission Denied" occurs on the OPEN statement.
 This file is needed for database maintenance by the ISAM engine and is
 deleted when the database is closed. (This file is used for temporary
 work space when building indexes and on rare occasions when reading a
 read-only database.)
 The second type of temporary file that can be generated is the
 transaction log as outlined on page 136 of the "Microsoft Visual Basic
 for MS-DOS: Professional Edition Features" for versions 1.0.