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Article Q79259
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 Microsoft Library (.LIB) Format, Created by LIB.EXE - Q79259
 This article describes the components of the Microsoft Library Format
 (for .LIB files created by the LIB.EXE Library Manager). The Microsoft
 Library Format is consistent between compatible Microsoft languages.
 While future library utilities will remain backward-compatible with
 the older library formats, the actual library format itself is subject
 to change. This information is taken from Chapter 5 of the "Microsoft
 C Developer's Toolkit Reference," which contains more in-depth
 information on the Microsoft Library Format.
 More Information:
 Library Header Record
 Object code library .LIB files under MS-DOS always contain blocks of
 data in multiples of 512 bytes. The first record in the library is a
 library header. This record is structured the same as a Microsoft
 object-module-format (MS OMF) record. That is, the first byte of the
 record identifies the record's type, and the next two bytes specify
 the number of bytes remaining in the record. Note that the length
 field is byte-swapped (in other words, the low-order byte precedes the
 high-order byte). The record type for this library header is F0h
 (240 decimal).
 Modules in a library always start at the beginning of a page. Page
 size is determined by adding three (one for the record type byte and
 two for the record length field itself) to the value in the record
 length field; therefore the library header record always occupies
 exactly one page. Legal values for page size are given by the range of
 2 through the n, where n is a value from 4 through 15.
 The four bytes immediately following the length field are a
 byte-swapped long integer specifying the byte offset within the
 library of the first block of the dictionary. The next two bytes are
 a byte-swapped word field that specifies the number of blocks in the
 dictionary. (Note: The Library Manager, LIB.EXE for MS-DOS, cannot
 create a library whose dictionary requires more than 251 512-byte
 The next byte contains flags describing the library. One current flag
 definition is "0x01 = case sensitive". This applies to both regular
 and extended dictionaries. All other values are reserved for future
 use and should be 0. The remaining bytes in the library header record
 are not significant. This record deviates from the typical Microsoft
 OMF record in that the last byte is not used as a checksum on the rest
 of the record.
 Object Modules
 The first object module in the library immediately follows the header.
 The first object module is followed in turn by all other object
 modules in the library. Each module is in Microsoft OMF. Individual
 modules are aligned so that they start at the beginning of a new page.
 If, as is commonly the case, a module does not occupy a number of
 bytes that is exactly a multiple of the page size, then its last block
 is padded with as many null bytes as are required to fill it. This
 special format is covered in detail in the "C Developer's Toolkit
 Dictionary Blocks
 The remaining blocks in the library compose the dictionary. The number
 of blocks in the dictionary is given in the library header. Dictionary
 length is in 512-byte blocks. Detailed information on the exact
 content and format of the dictionary are contained in the "C
 Developer's Toolkit Reference."
 Extended Dictionary
 The extended dictionary is optional and indicates dependencies between
 modules in the library. Versions of LIB.EXE earlier than version 3.09
 do not create an extended dictionary. The extended dictionary is
 placed at the end of the library. Again, see the "C Developer's
 Toolkit Reference" for details on the structure of the Extended