vbdpss.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
The Microsoft Guide to Visual Basic for MS-DOS Programming
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  ■ The Microsoft Guide to Visual Basic for MS-DOS Programming
    By Peter G. Aitken
    Microsoft Press
    Book:  $24.95
    Ordering info: 800-MSPRESS (8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Central Time).
    ISBN Number: 1-55615-478-X
    A complete, practical, and accessible guide to Visual Basic for MS-DOS
    programming--from the company that knows Visual Basic best. All that's
    needed is some previous experience with Basic and a desire to start
    working with the hottest MS-DOS programming tool of the 90s. Aitken
    thoroughly discusses each task--from designing the user interface to
    writing complete Visual Basic for MS-DOS applications. Key topics
    include creating a form, setting properties, writing code, mastering
    the Basic language, responding to user input, creating menus,
    working with files, debugging your application, and working with
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