Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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BlockDev_Device_Descriptor STRUC
BDD_Next                dd      ?
BDD_BD_Major_Ver        db      BD_Major_Version
BDD_BD_Minor_Ver        db      BD_Minor_Version
BDD_Device_Type         db      ?
BDD_Int_13h_Number      db      ?
BDD_Flags               dd      ?
BDD_Name_Ptr            dd      ?
BDD_Max_Sector          dq      ?
BDD_Sector_Size         dd      ?
BDD_Num_Heads           dd      ?
BDD_Num_Cylinders       dd      ?
BDD_Num_Sec_Per_Track   dd      ?
BDD_Sync_Cmd_Proc       dd      ?
BDD_Command_Proc        dd      ?
BDD_Hw_Int_Proc         dd      0
BDD_Reserved_BlockDev   db      BD_Priv_Data_Size dup (?)
BlockDev_Device_Descriptor ENDS
The BlockDev_Device_Descriptor structure contains information about the
block device.
Member                 Description
BDD_Next               Points to the next BlockDev_Device_Descriptor
                       structure in the list.
BDD_BD_Major_Ver       Specifies the major version number. It is 03h for
                       version 3.1.
BDD_BD_Minor_Ver       Specifies the minor version number. It is 0Ah for
                       version 3.1.
BDD_Device_Type        Specifies the type of hardware device. It can be one
                       of the following values:
                       Value                    Meaning
                       BDT_360K_5_Inch_Floppy   5.25 inch, 360 kilobyte
                                                floppy drive
                       BDT_1200K_5_Inch_Floppy  5.25 inch, 1.2 megabyte
                                                floppy drive
                       BDT_720K_3_Inch_Floppy   3.5 inch, 720 kilobyte
                                                floppy drive
                       BDT_Single_Dens_8_Inch   8 inch, single density
                                                floppy drive
                       BDT_Double_Dens_8_Inch   8 inch, double density
                                                floppy drive
                       BDT_Fixed_Disk           Hard disk drive
                       BDT_Tape_Drive           Tape drive
                       BDT_Other                Other storage media
BDD_Int_13h_Number     Specifies the Interrupt 13h number.
BDD_Flags              Specifies the device flags. It can be one or more of
                       the following values:
                       Value            Meaning
                       BDF_Int13_Drive  Interrupt 13h drive
                       BDF_Writeable    Writable media
                       BDF_Removable    Removable media
                       BDF_Remote       Remote device
                       BDF_Serial_Cmd   Serial commands
                       BDF_Cache        Cached device
BDD_Name_Ptr           Points to a null-terminated string specifying the
                       name of the block device.
BDD_Max_Sector         Specifies the maximum number of sectors for the block
BDD_Sector_Size        Specifies the size (in bytes) of each sector.
BDD_Num_Heads          Specifies the number of head for the block device.
BDD_Num_Cylinders      Specifies the number of cylinders for the block
BDD_Num_Sec_Per_Track  Specifies the number of sectors in each track of the
                       block device.
BDD_Sync_Cmd_Proc      Points to the synchronous command procedure for the
                       block device.
BDD_Command_Proc       Points to the command procedure for the block
BDD_Hw_Int_Proc        Points to the hardware interrupt handler for the
                       block device.
BDD_Reserved_BlockDev  Reserved.
See Also