Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Initialization Information Services
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Convert_Boolean_String      Converts string to Boolean value
Convert_Decimal_String      Converts a string to a decimal value
Convert_Fixed_Point_String  Converts a string to a fixed-point value
Convert_Hex_String          Converts a string to a hexadecimal value
Get_Config_Directory        Returns the Windows directory
Get_Environment_String      Returns value of an environment variable
Get_Exec_Path               Returns full path of Windows VMM
Get_Machine_Info            Returns machine information
Get_Name_Of_Ugly_TSR        Returns name of uncooperative TSR
Get_Next_Arena              Returns information about the MS-DOS arena
Get_Next_Profile_String     Returns the value of the next profile string
Get_Profile_Boolean         Returns the value of a Boolean entry
Get_Profile_Decimal_Int     Returns the value of a decimal entry
Get_Profile_Fixed_Point     Returns the value of a fixed-point entry
Get_Profile_Hex_Int         Returns the value of a hexadecimal entry
Get_Profile_String          Returns value of a profile string
Get_PSP_Segment             Returns segment address of PSP
GetDOSVectors               Returns original interrupt handler addresses
Locate_Byte_In_ROM          Locates a byte value in system ROM
OpenFile                    Opens a file and returns an MS-DOS file handle