Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
VMM Macros
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Assert_VM_Handle        Checks for valid virtual machine handle
Begin_Control_Dispatch  Builds dispatch table for messages
BeginProc               Starts a procedure definition
Begin_Service_Table     Starts a service table
Begin_Touch_1st_Meg     Enables the first megabyte of memory
Begin_VxD_IO_Table      Starts an I/O table
CallRet                 Calls a procedure then returns
cCall                   Calls a procedure
Client_Ptr_Flat         Converts an V86 or protected-mode address
Control_Dispatch        Dispatches a message to a procedure
Debug_Out               Displays a debugging message and breaks
Declare_Virtual_Device  Defines a virtual device
Dispatch_Byte_IO        Dispatches the specified I/O byte
Dword_Align             Aligns a segment on a doubleword boundary
Emulate_Non_Byte_IO     Emulates word and string input and output
End_Control_Dispatch    Builds dispatch table for messages
EndProc                 Marks the end of a procedure definition
End_Service_Table       Ends a service table
End_Touch_1st_Meg       Disables the first megabyte of memory
End_VxD_IO_Table        Ends an I/O table
Fatal_Error             Terminates Windows
IO_Delay                Delays execution of the next instruction
Mono_Out                Writes a message to the secondary display
Mono_Out_At             Writes a message to the secondary display
Pop_Client_State        Restores client registers
Push_Client_State       Saves the client state
Queue_Out               Queues a message
ShiftState              Sets the shift state for a hot key
Trace_Out               Writes a message to the debugging device
VMMcall                 Calls a VMM service
VMMjmp                  Jumps to a VMM service
VxDcall                 Calls a virtual device service
VxD_CODE_ENDS           Defines end of a code segment
VxD_CODE_SEG            Defines a code segment
VxD_DATA_ENDS           Defines end of a data segment
VxD_DATA_SEG            Defines a data segment
VxD_ICODE_ENDS          Defines end of initialization code segment
VxD_ICODE_SEG           Defines an initialization code segment
VxD_IDATA_ENDS          Defines end of initialization data segment
VxD_IDATA_SEG           Defines an initialization data segment
VxDint                  Executes a software interrupt
VxD_IO                  Adds an entry to an I/O table
VxDjmp                  Jumps to a virtual device service
VxD_LOCKED_CODE_ENDS    Defines end of a code segment
VxD_LOCKED_CODE_SEG     Defines a code segment
VxD_LOCKED_DATA_ENDS    Defines end of a data segment
VxD_LOCKED_DATA_SEG     Defines a data segment
VxD_REAL_INIT_ENDS      Defines end of real-mode segment
VxD_REAL_INIT_SEG       Defines a real-mode initialization segment