Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Virtual Display Device
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VDD_Clear_Mod       Clear change state
VDD_Free_Grab       Releases screen-grab memory
VDD_Free_Mem        Releases screen memory
VDD_Get_GrabRtn     Returns address of screen grabber
VDD_Get_GrbMem      Returns address of screen-grab memory
VDD_Get_GrbState    Returns screen-grab state
VDD_Get_Mem         Returns address of screen memory
VDD_Get_Mod         Returns changes in video state
VDD_Get_ModTime     Indicates video activity
VDD_Get_State       Returns state of virtual machine
VDD_Get_Version     Returns version number
VDD_Hide_Cursor     Hides or shows cursor
VDD_Msg_BakColor    Sets the background color for messages
VDD_Msg_ClrScrn     Clears screen for message
VDD_Msg_ForColor    Sets foreground color for message
VDD_Msg_SetCursPos  Sets cursor position for message
VDD_Msg_TextOut     Displays text
VDD_PIF_State       Specifies PIF settings
VDD_Query_Access    Specifies whether video memory is accessible
VDD_Set_HCurTrk     Tracks cursor in window
VDD_Set_VMType      Specifies virtual machine type
VDD_Unlock_APP      Unlocks application from grabber