Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Virtual Keyboard Device
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VKD_API_Force_Key          Forces a key into a virtual machine
VKD_API_Get_Version        Returns version number
VKD_Cancel_Hot_Key_State   Cancels a hot key state
VKD_Cancel_Paste           Cancels a paste operation
VKD_Define_Hot_Key         Defines a hot key
VKD_Define_Paste_Mode      Sets the paste mode for the virtual machine
VKD_Flush_Msg_Key_Queue    Flushes message queue
VKD_Force_Keys             Forces scan codes into the keyboard buffer
VKD_Get_Kbd_Owner          Returns focus owner handle
VKD_Get_Msg_Key            Returns a key from the buffer
VKD_Get_Version            Returns version number
VKD_Local_Disable_Hot_Key  Disables a hot key
VKD_Local_Enable_Hot_Key   Enables a hot key
VKD_Peek_Msg_Key           Returns a key from the buffer
VKD_Reflect_Hot_Key        Reflects a hot key into a virtual machine
VKD_Remove_Hot_Key         Removes a defined hot key
VKD_Start_Paste            Starts the paste mode