Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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;* HELLOM.ASM illustrates multiple-modules and memory model
;* independent techniques. It illustrates many new features of
;* MASM 6.1. To build the program, paste HELLOM.ASM, PUTSTR.INC,
;* and PUTSTR.ASM into separate files, compile both, and link.
;* For a similar example that uses older assembly techniques such
;* as full segments, explicit stack frames, and the PUBLIC and EXTERN
;* directives, see HELLOMO.ASM.
;* Shows:   Equates      - @DataSize  @CodeSize
;*          Directives   - PROTO      INVOKE    IFNDEF
;*                         PROC       ENDP
;*          DOS function - 02h (Display Character)
; Model symbol can be passed from command line or environment.
IFNDEF  model
model   TEXTEQU  <small>                ; Default small if no command line
        .MODEL  model, c, os_dos
        .STACK                          ; Stack segment
        .DATA                           ; Data segment
msg     BYTE    "Hello, world.", 13, 10, 0      ; Null-terminated string
        .STARTUP                        ; Initialize data and stack segments
        INVOKE  putstr,                 ; Call putstr
                ADDR msg                ;  with msg as argument
        .EXIT                           ; Exit program
;---------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
;* PUTSTR.INC is an include file to be used with HELLOM.ASM and
;* PUTSTR.ASM. It defines a prototype to be included by both
;* caller (HELLOM) and callee (PUTSTR) so that both get the same
;* procedure definition. PROTO also makes the procedure public
;* for the callee and external for the callee.
putstr  PROTO   string:PTR BYTE
;---------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
;* PUTSTR.ASM is a program module containing a procedure to be
;* called by HELLOM.ASM. It includes PUTSTR.INC.
IFNDEF  model
model   TEXTEQU  <small>                ; Default small model
        .MODEL  model, c, os_dos
        INCLUDE              ; Prototype for PutStr
        .CODE                           ; Address of string (near or far
putstr  PROC    string:PTR BYTE         ;   depending on model)
        mov     ah, 02h                 ; Display character function
        IF      @DataSize               ; If data is far (compact, large,
        les     di, string              ;   or huge), address is ES:DI
        .WHILE  1
        mov     dl, es:[di]             ; Load each character through ES:[DI]
        ELSE                            ; If data is near (tiny, small,
        mov     di, string              ;   or medium), address is DI only
        .WHILE  1
        mov     dl, [di]                ; Load each character through [DI]
        .BREAK  .IF dl == 0             ; If character is zero, done
        int     21h                     ; DOS displays character
        inc     di                      ; Point to next character
        .ENDW                           ; Load next character
putstr  ENDP