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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
/* MODES.C illustrates configuration and text window functions including:
 *    _setvideomoderows   _setvideomode   _getvideoconfig
 *    _settextwindow      _outtext
 * See TEXT.C for another use of _outtext. See SCROLL.C for another use
 * of _settextwindow.
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <graph.h>
short modes[] = { _TEXTBW40,     _TEXTC40,      _TEXTBW80,
                  _TEXTC80,      _MRES4COLOR,   _MRESNOCOLOR,
                  _HRESBW,       _TEXTMONO,     _HERCMONO,
                  _MRES16COLOR,  _HRES16COLOR,  _ERESNOCOLOR,
                  _ERESCOLOR,    _VRES2COLOR,   _VRES16COLOR,
                  _MRES256COLOR, _ORESCOLOR
char *names[] = { "TEXTBW40",    "TEXTC40",     "TEXTBW80",
                  "TEXTC80",     "MRES4COLOR",  "MRESNOCOLOR",
                  "HRESBW",      "TEXTMONO",    "HERCMONO",
                  "MRES16COLOR", "HRES16COLOR", "ERESNOCOLOR",
                  "ERESCOLOR",   "VRES2COLOR",  "VRES16COLOR",
short rows[] = { 60, 50, 43, 30, 25 };  /* Possible number of rows  */
void main()
    short c, i, j, x, y, row, num = sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]);
    struct _videoconfig vc;
    char b[500];                        /* Buffer for string        */
    _displaycursor( _GCURSOROFF );
    /* Try each mode. */
    for( i = 0; i <= num; i++ )
        for (j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
            /* Try each possible number of rows. */
            row = _setvideomoderows( modes[i], rows[j] );
            if( (!row) || (rows[j] != row) )
                _getvideoconfig( &vc );
                y = (vc.numtextrows - 12) / 2;
                x = (vc.numtextcols - 25) / 2;
                /* Use text window to place output in middle of screen. */
                _settextwindow( y, x,
                                vc.numtextrows - y, vc.numtextcols - x );
                /* Write all information to a string, then output string. */
                c  = sprintf( b,     "Video mode: %s\n", names[i] );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "X pixels:   %d\n", vc.numxpixels );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Y pixels:   %d\n", vc.numypixels );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Columns:    %d\n", vc.numtextcols );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Rows:       %d\n", vc.numtextrows );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Colors:     %d\n", vc.numcolors );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Bits/pixel: %d\n", vc.bitsperpixel );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Pages:      %d\n", vc.numvideopages );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Mode:       %d\n", vc.mode );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Adapter:    %d\n", vc.adapter );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Monitor:    %d\n", vc.monitor );
                c += sprintf( b + c, "Memory:     %d",   vc.memory );
                _outtext( b );
    _displaycursor( _GCURSORON );
    _setvideomode( _DEFAULTMODE );