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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
/* TEXT.C illustrates text output functions including:
 *    _gettextcolor   _getbkcolor   _gettextposition   _outtext
 *    _settextcolor   _setbkcolor   _settextposition   _clearscreen
 * See MODES.C for another use of _outtext and WINDOW.C for another
 * use of _clearscreen.
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <graph.h>
char buffer [80];
void main()
    short blink, fgd, oldfgd;
    long bgd, oldbgd;
    struct _rccoord oldpos;
    /* Save original foreground, background, and text position. */
    oldfgd = _gettextcolor();
    oldbgd = _getbkcolor();
    oldpos = _gettextposition();
    _clearscreen( _GCLEARSCREEN );
    /* First time no blink, second time blinking. */
    for( blink = 0; blink <= 16; blink += 16 )
        /* Loop through 8 background colors. */
        for( bgd = 0; bgd < 8; bgd++ )
            _setbkcolor( bgd );
            _settextposition( (short)bgd + ((blink / 16) * 9) + 3, 1 );
            _settextcolor( 15 );
            sprintf(buffer, "Back: %d Fore:", bgd );
            _outtext( buffer );
            /* Loop through 16 foreground colors. */
            for( fgd = 0; fgd < 16; fgd++ )
                _settextcolor( fgd + blink );
                sprintf( buffer, " %2d ", fgd + blink );
                _outtext( buffer );
    /* Restore original foreground and background. */
    _settextcolor( oldfgd );
    _setbkcolor( oldbgd );
    _clearscreen( _GCLEARSCREEN );
    _settextposition( oldpos.row, oldpos.col );