C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C/C++ Language and Libraries Index
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──C/C++ Language and Libraries Index────────────────────────────────────────
  UCHAR_MAX              Largest unsigned char
  UINT_MAX               Largest unsigned int
  ULONG_MAX              Largest unsigned long
  _ultoa                 Convert unsigned long to string
  _umask                 Set default file-permission mask
  #undef                 Remove macro definition
  _UNDERFLOW             Result underflow (math error)
  ungetc                 Push character back onto the stream
  _ungetch               Push back last character read from the console
  union                  Union data type
  _unlink                Delete a file
  _unregisterfonts       Free memory used by fonts
  unsigned               Unsigned-integer data type
  _USEDENTRY             Value for field in _HEAPINFO
  USHRT_MAX              Largest unsigned short
  _utimbuf               Access time structure
  _utime                 Set file-modification time