C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C/C++ Language and Libraries Index
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──C/C++ Language and Libraries Index────────────────────────────────────────
  same_seg               Set external variables in same-segment pragma
  __saveregs             Save and restore CPU registers
  scan codes             Keyboard scan codes
  scan codes, extended   Manifest constants defining scan codes
  scanf                  Read formatted data from stdin
  SCHAR_...              Signed char range constants
  _scrolltextwindow      Scroll the text in a text window
  _searchenv             Search for file using environment paths
  searching and sorting
     functions           Binary search, linear search, and quick sort
  SEEK_CUR               Current position of file pointer
  SEEK_END               End of file position
  SEEK_SET               Beginning of file position
  __segment              Data type used to store a segment address
  __segname              Set the name of a segment
  _segread               Get current values of segment registers
  _selectpalette         Select graphics palette
  __self                 A base expression that names itself as base
  _setactivepage         Set active page
  _setargv               Command-line argument handler
  SETARGV.OBJ            Allow wildcard command-line arguments
  _setbkcolor            Set current background color
  setbuf                 Control stream buffering
  _setcliprgn            Set clipping region for graphics
  _setcolor              Set current color
  _setenvp               Environment-processing routine
  _setfillmask           Set fill mask
  _setfont               Find single font
  _setgtextvector        Change the orientation of graphics text output
  setjmp                 Save program state
  _setlinestyle          Set line style
  setlocale              Set the locale
  _setmode               Set file-translation mode
  _set_new_handler...    Control new operator failure
  _setpixel...           Set pixel to current color
  _settextcolor          Set current text color
  _settextcursor         Set the current cursor attribute
  _settextposition       Set text position
  _settextrows           Set number of text rows for text modes
  _settextwindow         Create text window
  setvbuf                Control stream buffering and buffer size
  _setvideomode          Set video mode
  _setvideomoderows      Set video mode and number of text rows for
                            text modes
  _\asetvieworg            Move view-coordinate origin to specified
                            physical point
  _setviewport           Create view port
  _setvisualpage         Set visual page
  _setwindow             Define graphics window
  _setwritemode          Set the current logical mode for line drawing
  shift codes, keyboard  Manifest constants defining shift codes
  short                  Short data type
  _SH_COMPAT             Set compatibility mode
  _SH_DENYNO             Permit read and write access to file
  _SH_DENYRD             Deny read access to file
  _SH_DENYRW             Deny read and write access to file
  _SH_DENYWR             Deny write access to file
  SHRT_...               Range constants for short data type
  SIGABRT                Abnormal-termination signal
  sig_atomic_t           Signal type
  SIG_DFL                Default action
  _S_IEXEC               File type returned in _stat structure
  _S_IF...               File types returned in _stat structure
  SIG_ERR                Possible return value from signal
  SIGFPE                 Floating-point error signal
  SIG_IGN                Ignore interrupt signal
  SIGILL                 Illegal-instruction signal
  SIGINT                 CTRL+C interrupt signal
  signal                 Set interrupt-signal handling
  signed                 Signed-integer data type
  SIGSEGV                Illegal-storage-access signal
  SIGTERM                Termination-request signal
  sin                    Calculate sine
  _SING                  Argument singularity (math error)
  sinh                   Calculate hyperbolic sine
  _sinhl                 Calculate hyperbolic sine (80-bit)
  _sinl                  Calculate sine (80-bit)
  _S_IREAD               Reading permitted
  _S_IWRITE              Writing permitted
  sizeof                 Size of variable or type operator
  size_t                 Type defined in several include files
  skip                   Skip lines in the source listing
  _snprintf              Write formatted data to string
  _sopen                 Open a file for file sharing
  _spawnl                Execute program (argument list)
  _spawnle               Execute program (argument list, environment)
  _spawnlp               Execute program (argument list, PATH)
  _spawnlpe              Execute program (argument list, PATH, environment)
  _spawnv                Execute program (argument array)
  _spawnve               Execute program (argument array, environment)
  _spawnvp               Execute program (argument array, PATH)
  _spawnvpe              Execute program (argument array, PATH, environment)
  _splitpath             Break path name into components
  sprintf                Write formatted data to string
  sqrt                   Calculate square root
  _sqrtl                 Calculate square root (80-bit)
  srand                  Set random starting point
  _SREGS                 Segment-registers structure
  _SRES16COLOR           Specify graphics video screen mode
  _SRES256COLOR          Specify graphics video screen mode
  sscanf                 Read formatted data from string
  _stackavail            Get size of stack available
  _stat                  Get status information on file
  _stat                  File status-information structure
  static                 Static data-storage class
  _status87              Get floating-point status word
  _stdaux                Pointer to standard auxiliary stream
  __STDC__               Predefined macro signifying full ANSI conformance
  stderr                 Pointer to standard error stream
  __stdcall              Calling convention modifier
  stdin                  Pointer to standard input stream
  stdout                 Pointer to standard output stream
  _stdprn                Pointer to standard print stream
  strcat                 Append a string
  strchr                 Find a character in a string
  strcmp                 Compare strings
  _strcmpi               Compare strings without regard to case
  strcoll                Compare strings using locale-specific information
  strcpy                 Copy string
  strcspn                Find substring in string
  _strdate               Copy date to buffer
  _strdup                Duplicate string
  stream I/O             Stream-oriented I/O functions
  _strerror              Print user-supplied error message
  strerror               Get system error message
  strftime               Format a time string
  _stricmp               Compare strings without regard to case
  stringize operator     Preprocessor stringizing operator (#)
     functions           Comparison, searching, concatenation, etc.
  strlen                 Get length of a string
  _strlwr                Convert string to lowercase
  strncat                Append <n> characters to a string
  strncmp                Compare <n> characters of strings
  strncpy                Copy <n> characters of string
  _strnicmp              Compare <n> characters of strings without
                            regard to case
  _strnset               Initialize first <n> characters of string
  strpbrk                Scan string for character in specified
                            character set
  strrchr                Scan string for last occurrence of character
  _strrev                Reverse characters of a string
  _strset                Set characters of a string to a character
  strspn                 Find first substring
  strstr                 Find substring
  _strtime               Copy time to buffer
  strtod                 Convert string to double
  strtok                 Find next token in string
  strtol                 Convert string to long
  _strtold               Convert string to double float
  strtoul                Convert string to unsigned long
  struct                 Structure data type
  structures             Structures used by run-time functions
  _strupr                Convert string to uppercase
  strxfrm                Transform a string based on locale-specific
  subtitle               Specify subtitle for source listing
  _SVGA                  Value given by adapter element of _videoconfig
  _swab                  Swap bytes
  switch                 switch statement
  __syscall              Calling convention modifier
  _sys_errlist           perror error-message table
  _sys_nerr              Number of entries in _sys_errlist
  _SYS_OPEN              Maximum number of simultaneously open files
  system                 Execute DOS command
  system calls           Functions for accessing DOS and BIOS