CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Options (Description)
 Summary Example Notes                 Up Contents Index Back
     The Options (O) command allows you to view or set the state of the
     following CodeView options:
     Character   Option      Display
     F           Flip/Swap   If on, CodeView flips the program
                             and output screens as the program
                             executes. If off, no screen flipping
                             is performed.
                             See: Screen Flipping and Swapping
                                  Swap Video Pages (/S, /F)
                                  Options Menu: Screen Swap
     B           Bytes       If on, instruction addresses and machine
                 Coded       code are displayed for assembly
                             See: Options Menu: Source Window
     C           Case        If on, symbols are case-sensitive;
                 Sense       if off, they are not.
                             See: Options Menu: Case Sensitivity
     S           Symbols     If on, symbols in assembly instructions
                             appear in symbolic form. If off, they
                             appear as addresses.
                             See: Options Menu: Source Window
     L           Show        If on, addresses (relative to BP) are
                 Symbol      displayed for all local variables in the
                 Address     Local window.
                             See: Local Window
     3           386         If on, registers appear in wide 80386
                             format, and you can assemble and execute
                             instructions that reference 32-bit
                             registers and memory.
                             See: Options Menu: 386 Instructions
     The O form of the command (all options) takes no arguments; it
     displays the state of all five options. The other forms of the
     command (OF, OB, OC, OS, OL, and O3) can be used with either
        ■ No arguments; in this case they display the state of the
        ■ The argument + or _. The + argument turns the option on;
          the - argument turns the option off.