CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Process Command (Description)
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     The Process (|) command displays the status of child processes or
     switches to the debug session for a particular child process. To
     use this command, you must start up the protected-mode CodeView
     debugger (CVP.EXE) with the /O (Debug Multiple Processes) command-
     line option. The /O option allows you to spawn a new CodeView
     process for each child process that your program spawns.
     See: /O Command-Line Option
     To view the status of the child processes of the current process,
     enter the Process command with no arguments. CodeView responds by
     displaying three fields:
       1. Process ID (PID) number
       2. Session (screen group) ID number
       3. Yes or No, depending on whether or not each process has its
          own instance of CodeView
     If a child process can be debugged, you can switch to that process
     directly by using the Process command. To switch to the debugging
     session for a child process, enter the Process command with the
     where <processID> is the process ID of the process you want to
     See: Run Menu: Process Command