CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
CodeView FORTRAN Intrinsic Functions
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     You can use the following FORTRAN intrinsic functions when
     entering a FORTRAN expression. Their primary use is to convert a
     variable or value from one type to another.
     Intrinsic Function       Argument Type     Result Type
   * CHAR( int )              int               char
     CMPLX( genA[,genB] )     int, real, cmp    cmp8
     DBLE( gen )              int, real, cmp    dbl
     DCMPLX( genA[,genB] )    int, real, cmp    cmp16
     DIMAG( cmp16 )           cmp16             dbl
     DREAL( cmp16 )           cmp16             dbl
     ICHAR( char )            char              int
   £ IMAG( cmp )              cmp               real
     INT( gen )               int, real, cmp    int
     INT1( gen )              int, real, cmp    int1
     INT4( gen )              int, real, cmp    int4
     INTC( gen )              int, real, cmp    INTEGER[C]
     LOCFAR( gen )            int, real, cmp    int4
     LOCNEAR( gen )           int, real, cmp    int2
     REAL( gen )              int, real, cmp    real4
   * The abbreviations for the argument and result types are described
     in the FORTRAN language help.
     See: Intrinsic Argument Abbreviations
   £ If the argument is COMPLEX*16, the result is DOUBLE PRECISION.
     If the argument is COMPLEX*8, the result is REAL*4.