CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Break at Location When Expression has Changed: Mouse How-To
 At Location/Expression Changed Keyboard Up Contents Index Back
       1. Click Break at Location if Expression has Changed.
       2. Click in the Location box. Type the location at which you
          want to set the breakpoint. CodeView checks for changes in
          the expression only at this location in the program.
       3. Click in the Expression box and type an expression that
          evaluates to an address. The expression can be an address in
          the form of <segment>:<offset>, or it can be an expression
          involving variables in your program.
       4. If you want execution to break when a range of memory changes,
          click in the Length box and type the size of the range. The
          range is the number you type multiplied by the size of the
          expression you are watching.
       5. If you want CodeView to pass over the breakpoint a given
          number of times, click in the Pass Count box. Type the number
          of times to pass over the breakpoint.
       6. If you want CodeView to execute commands after execution
          breaks, click in the Commands box. Type the commands you want
          to execute.
       7. Click <OK>.
     See: Break Addresses
          Address Ranges
          Expressions in CodeView
          Break When Expression has Changed