Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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BOOL BitmapBits(lpDevice, fFlags, dwCount, lpBits)
DWORD fFlags;
DWORD dwCount;
LPSTR lpBits;
The BitmapBits function sets, retrieves, or copies bitmap data. A graphics
driver must export a BitmapBits function if the RC_DEVBITS bit is set in the
dpRaster member of the device driver's GDIINFO structure.
Parameter  Description
lpDevice   Points to a PDEVICE or PBITMAP structure specifying a device or
           memory bitmap.
fFlags     Specifies whether to set, retrieve, or copy bitmap data. This
           parameter can be one of the following values.
           Value         Meaning
           DBB_SET (1)   Sets bitmap bits by copying data from the buffer
                         pointed to by the lpBits parameter to the specified
           DBB_GET (2)   Retrieves bitmap bits by copying data from the
                         specified device to the buffer pointed to by
           DBB_COPY (4)  Copies bitmap bits from the bitmap pointed to by
                         lpBits to the specified device.
dwCount    Specifies the number of bits to copy.
lpBits     Points to a buffer or a bitmap, depending on the value of the
           fFlags parameter. If fFlags is DBB_SET or DBB_GET, this parameter
           points to a buffer that contains or receives the bits for the
           specified bitmap. If fFlags is DBB_COPY, this parameter points to
           a device bitmap.
Return Value
The return value is the number of bits actually copied.
The export ordinal for this function is 30.
See Also
SelectBitmap, GDIINFO