Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Display Drivers
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The Microsoft Windows display driver manages all screen output for Windows
applications. A display driver provides a set of functions that Windows uses
to enable the display hardware, retrieve information about the display, and
draw text and graphics.
The following topics provide useful information about display drivers:
About the Display Driver
    Display-Driver Initialization
    GDI Information Structure
    Enabling and Disabling the Physical Device
    Hardware Initialization
    Physical Objects
    Physical Colors
    Screen Metrics
    Lines, Curves, and Polygons
    Device-Independent Bitmaps
    Device Bitmaps
    Color Palettes
    DIBs with Color-Palette Management
    Stub Functions
    Display-Driver Escapes
    Mouse Trails
    Multiple-Resolution Drivers
    Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing Extensions
About Display-Driver Resources
    Stock-Fonts Resource
    Configuration Resource
    Color-Table Resource
    Icon, Cursor, and Bitmap Resources
    Large Icons and Cursors
    Optimizing Performance
Display-Specific Functions
Graphics Driver Functions