Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing Extensions
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Display drivers that support Pen Extensions provide a set of functions and
resources that permit the display drivers to carry out inking. Pen Windows
is a version of Windows in which character-recognition software (Recognition
Context (RC) Manager) allows a pen device to be used in place of a keyboard.
Inking is drawing done by a display driver in response to input from the RC
Inking Functions
Display drivers that support inking must be prepared to process inking
requests whenever pen input generates an interrupt. The drivers must export
the GetLPDevice and InkReady functions.
If the RC Manager requires inking, it calls the GetLPDevice function to
retrieve a pointer to the display driver's PDEVICE structure. The RC Manager
uses this pointer in subsequent calls to the display driver's Output
function to complete the inking. The color and width of the ink is set by
the RC Manager.
Before calling Output, the RC Manager calls the InkReady function to notify
the display driver that it is ready to ink. The display driver must
determine whether any other drawing operation is under way. If so, the
display driver must wait until the current operation is complete before
completing the inking. In any case, the display driver calls a callback
function supplied with the call to InkReady to complete the inking.
Inking Resources
Display drivers that support inking must provide the following cursor
Value              Meaning
IDC_NEPEN (32630)  Pen points to northeast.
IDC_NWPEN (32631)  Pen points to northwest.
IDC_SEPEN (32632)  Pen points to southeast.
IDC_PEN (32633)    Default pen is same as IDC_SWPEN.
IDC_SWPEN (32633)  Pen points to southwest.
The pen cursors must be added to the driver in the same way as the standard
Windows cursors.