Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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int ExtDeviceMode(hWnd, hDriver, lpDevModeOutput, lpDeviceName, lpPort,
                  lpDevModeInput, lpProfile, wMode)
HWND hWnd;
HANDLE hDriver;
LPDEVMODE lpDevModeOutput;
LPSTR lpDeviceName;
LPSTR lpPort;
LPDEVMODE lpDevModeInput;
LPSTR lpProfile;
WORD wMode;
The ExtDeviceMode function retrieves or modifies device-initialization
information for a given graphics driver, or displays a driver-supplied
dialog box for configuring the graphics driver. Applications call the
ExtDeviceMode function when the user requests setting up the printer as part
of preparing for a print job.
All printer drivers must export the ExtDeviceMode function. Display drivers
that permit the user to change operating modes must export the
ExtDeviceMode function.
Parameter        Description
hWnd             Identifies the parent window for the dialog box.
hDriver          Identifies the module instance of the device driver.
lpDevModeOutput  Points to a DEVMODE structure. The driver writes the
                 initialization information supplied in the lpDevModeInput
                 parameter to this structure.
lpDeviceName     Points to a null-terminated string that contains the name
                 of the device, such as PCL/HP LaserJet.
lpPort           Points to a null-terminated string that contains the name
                 of the port to which the device is connected, such as
lpDevModeInput   Points to a DEVMODE structure containing initialization
                 information set by the application.
lpProfile        Points to a null-terminated string that contains the name
                 of the initialization file in which initialization
                 information is recorded and read from. If this parameter is
                 NULL, the [Model Name, Port] section of the WIN.INI file is
                 the default.
wMode            Specifies which operations the function will perform. If
                 the wMode parameter is zero, ExtDeviceMode returns the
                 number of bytes required by the device driver's DEVMODE
                 structure. Otherwise, wMode can be a combination of the
                 following values.
                 Value          Meaning
                 DM_UPDATE (1)  Writes the driver's current settings to the
                                environment and the WIN.INI initialization
                 DM_COPY (2)    Writes the driver's current settings to the
                                DEVMODE structure identified by the
                                lpDevModeOutput parameter. The calling
                                application must allocate a buffer
                                sufficiently large to contain the
                                information. If this bit is clear,
                                lpDevModeOutput can be NULL.
                 DM_PROMPT (4)  Presents the driver's dialog box and then
                                changes the current settings according to
                                user specifications.
                 DM_MODIFY (8)  Changes the printer driver's current
                                settings to match the partial initialization
                                data in the DEVMODE structure identified by
                                lpDevModeInput before prompting, copying, or
                                updating the printer driver's setting.
Return Value
If the wMode parameter is zero, the return value is the size of the DEVMODE
structure required to contain the printer-driver initialization data. If the
function displays the initialization-dialog box, the return value is either
IDOK or IDCANCEL, depending on which button the user chose. If the function
does not display the dialog box and was successful, the return value is
IDOK. The return value is less than zero if the function failed.
The export ordinal for this function is 90.
If wMode includes DM_PROMPT, the ExtDeviceMode function creates an
application-modal dialog box using the DialogBox function (USER.240). The
dialog box must provide options for the user to set the various settings of
the device. ExtDeviceMode does the following:
1  Initializes the dialog box settings by using the environment specified by
   lpDevModeInput, by retrieving the current environment using the
   GetEnvironment function (GDI.133), or by reading the environment from the
   corresponding, device-specific section in the WIN.INI file.
2  Calls the DialogBox box to display the dialog box, then waits for the
   user to complete their changes. When the value returns from DialogBox,
   check the return value. Make subsequent updates only if the return value
   is IDOK.
3  Updates the current device environment by using the SetEnvironment
   function (GDI.132). Also, it updates the corresponding device-specific
   section in the WIN.INI file (or specified initialization file) if wMode
   includes DM_UPDATE.
4  Sends a WM_DEVMODE message to all applications informing them of a change
   to the device's operating modes.
The dialog box must provide at least a title bar and OK and Cancel buttons
in addition to controls for the various operating modes. The title bar
should contain the name of the current printer model (if the driver supports
several models), but no other printer model information should be presented
in the dialog box. (The ExtDeviceMode dialog box cannot permit the user to
change device models.)
If a device has too many options to fit in a single dialog box,
ExtDeviceMode can provide nested dialog boxes, using buttons in the first
dialog box to access the others. In all cases, a dialog function for a
ExtDeviceMode dialog box must close the dialog box if it receives a
WM_COMMAND message with the wParam parameter set to IDCANCEL. This message
occurs when the user presses the ESC key, chooses the Cancel button in the
dialog box, or when Windows Help needs to close the dialog box in order to
respond to a request for help from another application.
See Also
AdvancedSetUpDialog, DeviceMode, DEVMODE